7 signs that your prospective builder will be reliable

There’s nothing more frustrating or costly than a builder who fails to hold up their end of the agreement. That’s why it’s important to do your homework before committing to them which involves looking at their previous work and talking to previous customers to find out whether they were reliable in the past.

We’ve compiled 7 signs that show your builder can be trusted, so make sure you specifically ask past customers about these indicators.

1. Good communication

When it comes to design and construction, it’s crucial for a builder to be able to communicate accurately and clearly regarding the work that will be done because something can easily be overlooked during such a complex, lengthy process.

Frequent communication is also important since changes are likely to come about and, as the customer, you need to feel reassured that your builder is keeping you abreast of the latest developments.  So, when you’re checking references ask the question “Did they communicate clearly, frequently and politely?”

2. Detailed costing

Cost proposals should provide you with a clear estimate of the quantity, costs and resources needed to complete the job. If it’s not extensive and detailed, the builder isn’t being upfront about where your money is going and why.

It’s also a way of holding your builder accountable and it enables you to reflect on the changes you want done as well as which changes might be too expensive for you right now. Ask your references “Did they provide detailed costing for the project?”

3. Punctuality

This may seem too demanding but consider the fact that you will be working with this person for a lengthy period of time and setting up lots of meetings – if they can’t be on time for meeting with a client it shows a lack of commitment to the project as well as poor planning skills. Not what you want in a builder.

Punctuality is a sign of professionalism and respect so you should definitely ask “Did they turn up on time for their first appointment’?” and “Did you receive the cost proposal on or before the promised date?”

4. Commitment

Whatever commitment and arrangements you make, you need to know that your contractor will see it through. If they do what they say they will throughout the job, they’re also more likely to hold other tradesmen to the same standard, improving your overall experience. So, remember to ask your references “Did they stick to their commitments?”

5. Honest communication

All building projects have their problems, but what’s important is your contractor’s willingness to play open cards with you throughout the entire process. Many contractors will only inform customers of problems at the last minute which puts sudden pressure on them to make decisions quickly, sometimes leading to poor choices.

A good contractor plans ahead and gives you time to make important decisions, so ask “Did they alert you to unforeseen problems openly and early?”

6. Tidiness

This may seem irrelevant but consider that your building project is likely to be lengthy and you don’t want tools, equipment and building materials dumped all over your property as this could create safety hazards. A neat, organised work site will allow the workers to do their jobs more efficiently and get everything done faster. Ask your references “Did they keep the site tidy?”

7. Dependably present

While your contractor is sure to be busy with other jobs as well, this does not give them the freedom to come and go as they please, without informing you. They must be on site frequently enough to guide the project and offer assistance where necessary. Ask your references “Did they ever just disappear for days on end.”

There you have it. Seven clear cut signs that will help you determine whether your prospective contractor is reliable enough to make your building process a pleasure, not a pain.

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